Now in its fifth edition, this leading reader has been updated to be even more relevant to the study of contemporary Latin America. With its innovative combination of primary and secondary sources and editorial analysis, this text is designed to stimulate critical thinking in a wide range of courses on Latin American history since independence.
"A compelling, diverse mix of primary sources and scholarly works, this edition of Problems in Modern Latin American History is sure to critically engage and interest students. With its broad coverage of important issues and themes--accompanied by provocative discussion questions--this volume encourages students to actively make critical connections between the past and present in Latin America. James A. Wood and Anna Rose Alexander have masterfully updated a classic, crucial resource for students and teachers of Latin American history."
-ALEXANDER AVIÑA, Arizona State University
"This impressive new edition continues the tradition of seamlessly blending primary sources with secondary analyses from a variety of leading historians. The diverse new documents, images, and topics in the fifth edition make it an ideal learning tool for today's classroom. Wood and Alexander's concise section introductions orient readers, then invite them to integrate and interrogate multiple perspectives as they form their own evidence-based answers to some of the most pressing questions in the field of modern Latin American history."
-RENATA KELLER, University of Nevada, Reno
"The perfect classroom tool for undergraduates and beginning graduate students alike. Each chapter intersperses primary documents with scholarly analyses that provide rich context for the different periods, nations, and themes covered. Scholars of Latin American history, politics, culture, gender, and ethnicity will find this collection to be an excellent resource for guiding students through the past two hundred years in this complex region."
-MICHELLE MCARDLE STEPHENS, West Virginia University